Aug 16, 2020 - 05:22 PM
Newton Power Choice is Newton’s “municipal electricity aggregation” program.
Eversource is the utility that delivers electricity to Newton and many other cities and towns in eastern Massachusetts. Eversource delivers our electricity, but doesn’t actually generate it. Instead, it purchases electricity on the market. But under State law, cities and towns can select the supplier of electricity for customers, rather than leaving it up to Eversource. With Newton Power Choice, the City has selected and contracted with an electricity supplier.
In an aggregation, the City uses the bulk purchasing power of the entire community to select an electricity supplier and to negotiate both the amount of renewable energy that is purchased on behalf of the community as well as the price.
If you participate in Newton Power Choice, Eversource will continue to deliver your electricity, but Direct Energy will appear on your Eversource bill as your electricity supplier. The Newton Power Choice price will be used to calculate the Supply charges on your Eversource electricity bill instead of Eversource’s Basic Service price.
Newton Power Choice provides an alternative both to Eversource’s Basic Service pricing and to other electricity supply offers in the marketplace.