Aug 16, 2020 - 05:23 PM
When the program went live in 2019, all Newton Residents who had not previously chosen their own electricity supplier and did not opt out of the program were switched to Newton Power Choice.
You will see two key changes as a result of participating in the Newton Power Choice program:
1. On the Supply portion of your Eversource electric bill, you will see Direct Energy listed as your supplier rather than Eversource.
2. The rate that is used to calculate the Suppoly portion of your Eversource bill will change from the Eversource Basic Service rate to the rate for the NPC program option you have enrolled in.
Additionally, the amount of renewable energy purchased on your behalf may change, depending on which program option you choose.
Other than that, everything else will remain the same. You will continue to receive your bill from Eversource, you will continue to pay Eversource, and you will continue to call Eversource if your power goes out.
If you are eligible for any discounts from Eversource, those will be unaffected by your participation in Newton Power Choice.