Sep 20, 2020 - 11:34 AM
Newton adopted Newton Power Choice both to try to get Newton electricity customers as low a price as possible for electricity, and to try to maximize customers’ and our community’s investment in clean energy resources such as solar and wind power.
The City of Newton has been the leader in the State in choosing the highest percentage of renewables of any city or town’s electricity aggregation program since signing the first Newton Power Choice contract in November 2018. Our current Newton Power Choice contract includes 84% New England renewable resources such as wind and solar as the “Standard/Default” for our electricity supply. The Standard/Default level means that if you took no action to opt for a higher or lower level of renewables when you were enrolled in Newton Power Choice, you would be enrolled at the 84% renewables level.
However, under Newton Power Choice you can also up to 100% renewables, or opt down to the current State minimum of 22% renewables (which gradually increases annually under State law).